Inspired by the then-relevant phenomenon of reality TV, during the summer of 2005 our art community “Perspektíva” moved into the exhibition space of Pécsi Kisgaléria for 10 days to work and live there, to offer a dialogue with the audience, to make the artistic process more transparent and besides working on our own projects, to create a common gesamtkunstwerk.
“The turn of the millennium was the golden age of wild capitalism in the post-socialist societies. Understanding the concept of competition in all segments of society entailed a strong isolation, a downward spiral of co-operation and of group spirit, coupled with the temporary exclusivity of utilitarianism, the hedonistic enjoyment of material goods, the “deep flight” of culture and a general crisis of values.
It is up to the younger generations to fill the exhibition halls with new life, to break traditions, to draw attention to the importance and beauty of community action, to shake their context with new impulses, to re-think and re-work, to „update” the scene, to make the audience curious again, in response to the changes of world around us.
The goal was to create a constantly evolving medium, an active communication platform where the creators interact with each other, with the works and the audience in real time. The audience is part of a process instead of merely looking at a final result, not only getting an insight into the work of artists, but also mapping the relationships between the creators and experiencing their own impact on what is happening.
In the „traditional exhibition”, the recipient is excluded from the dimensions of the creative process, only receiving „end product”, a sort of puzzle without solution. “home/office” aims to ease the vulnerable position of the audience by not pulling the artwork out of its original studio-context. On the contrary: we make the creative medium and process entirely public. Creation is made suitable for inclusion by insight into the process. The uninhabited white cube fills full of life, and previously hidden aspects of the work will be revealed and understood.”
Detail of the home / office concept November 26, 2004 — Original text by Tamás Béres